
It just might do to impress someone with how hetero- sexual a TV can be, but don't show it to your family- Choisy carried the demonstration a little TOO far!

EDITORS NOTE: I'm compelled to get my word into this too. I am sure Dr. Woodward with 1 Million is closer than Sheila with 50,000. With nearly 200 million people we have roughly a 100 million males in this country. Perhaps one quarter of them are under ad- olescence, are feeble minded, insane or in some other way "out of the running". This leaves 75,000,000 "elegible". 1 million would therefore be only 1% which I think is a very conservative figure. Homo- sexuals are estimated variously between 6 and 16 per cent with 10% being a likely compromise. As TVism appears to be the second most prevalent form of var- iable behavior, I would personally make the guess of 4 to 5%. Of course this includes all the various degrees of the activity from the isolated, locked room panty wearer to the one who lives full time as a woman (but is still a TV as she doesn't have or want surgery--and there are such).

On the homosexual and transvestite terminology matter, I wish I could persuade TVs to consider themselves as a class, a kind, a group, a specific type of behavior rather than just as an adjective. It is true some home sexuals do cross dress, but I dislike to refer to them as Transvestites as a noun. To do so makes the symptom the disease, so to speak. TVs, TSS and HSS may all exhibit the pattern of cross dressing, i.e. the same symptom but they dont suffer from the same "disease" any more than cases of typhoid, bubonic plague, and poliomyelitis are the same just because all three victims show a high fever. So lets say that "some" homosexuals are drag queens but lets not say that either "some" or "many" transvestites are homosexuals. Personally I do not consider that any Transvestites are homosexual because if they are homosexual they are automatically removed from the catagory of heterosexual males that enjoy cross dressing which is what a true Transvestite is.